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Fleetwood Area Baseball Association

Covid-19 Safety Guidelines

The following COVID-19 Safety Guidelines are an effort to protect the health and safety of our players, coaches, and fans of Fleetwood Area Baseball association.  These policies and guidelines have been developed through the guidance of the posted CDC Guidelines for outdoor non-contact sports and have been approved by the Fleetwood Area Baseball association.  Common sense enforcement is expected.  Safety plans are subject to change dependent on any changes in the CDC, local, or state guidelines that occur throughout the season.  Organizations and teams will be notified immediately if any changes occur.

General Guidance


Wash hands often:  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds, or use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Social distancing:  Everyone should practice social distancing of six (6) feet whenever possible from individuals not residing within their household.  Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Self-monitoring & quarantine:  

a) Parents are first and foremost responsible for monitoring the health of their player
and reporting and issues to their coach.
b) Parents should take their player’s temperature before leaving for games and
c) If a coach notices a player displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or a player becomes ill
during games or practices, that player must be removed immediately and leave the
d) Should a coach, player, or parent have any symptoms related to COVID-19 they
should not attend games or practices. In addition, if anyone in their household has
symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 they should not attend games or practices.
e) Any coach that has been advised of a positive COVID-19 test within their team must
inform the Fleetwood Area Baseball Association board so an investigation can take
place into possible transmission to other teams  

Cover your mouth & nose:  You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.  Masks are to be always worn when social distancing from individuals not residing within your own household is possible.  Players are encouraged to wear a mask while in the dugouts or other close quarters. Always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, or use the inside of your elbow.

On-the-field Guidance


Drinks & snacks:  Players should bring their own personal drinks to all team activities.  No one should share any snacks or drinks.  No sunflower, or other types of, seeds or gum are allowed.

Dugouts:  Coaches and players should maintain social distancing with the dugout as much as possible.  Masks are highly recommended while in the dugout. Please only 3-4 players in the dugout. The rest of the team will remain on the bench outside of the dugout. 

Equipment:  Players should not share each other's personal equipment.  It is recommended that all players provide their own equipment to reduce the use of team equipment whenever possible.  Any team equipment shared by the players should be sanitized after each use by a designated coach.

Home team responsibilities:  The home team is responsible for sanitizing the balls after every half inning and before any ball is given to the pitcher. Dugouts must be sprayed with sanitizer solution and wiped down after every game.

Post game:  No handshakes, hi-fives, or contact between players and/or coaches.  Teams are encouraged to line up on their respective foul line and tip their hat to show appreciation to the other team.

Fans:  Fans are encouraged to wear masks and social distance from other fans.  Common sense enforcement is expected.

  Please contact Our Safety Officer Bridgette Appleby with any Covid questions or concerns ( e-mail -  or text- 570-578-3738)  

Field Status

Open Open

Maidencreek Community Park Upper (07:59 PM | 08/24/20)

Open Open

Upper Field (07:59 PM | 08/24/20)

Open Open

Maidencreek Community Park Lower (07:59 PM | 08/24/20)

Open Open

Lower Field (07:59 PM | 08/24/20)

Open Open

Smith Field (07:59 PM | 08/24/20)

Open Open

Smith Field (07:59 PM | 08/24/20)

Open Open

Pine Forge Athletic Association - Earl Township Park (08:09 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Majors (08:09 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Weiser Baseball Field (08:11 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:11 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Hill Road Park Fields (08:12 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:12 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Schuylkill Valley Baseball Fields (08:14 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:14 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 2 (10:59 PM | 08/31/20)

Open Open

Boyertown Community Park (08:20 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:20 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Exeter Baseball Fields (08:41 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:41 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Liberty Fire Co Baseball Field (08:46 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:46 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

MTAA Sports Complex (08:47 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:47 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Pine Forge Athletic Association - Douglass Township Fields (04:07 PM | 09/16/20)

Open Open

Field 1 (04:07 PM | 09/16/20)